Struggling, Epiphanating

I continue to struggle, but the struggle has progress. I am not on a full-day schedule, due largely to a family emergency last week (and a 12-hour stay in the emergency ward) that knocked my schedule sideways all last week as I tried to rally back. It was, in the end, a matter of gallstones. 

Still I am learning all about how to do a final proofread of a manuscript. The manuscript is fun - an anthology of bear fiction. And the kind of bear that decidedly does not live in the woods but, rather, large hirsute or hairy men.

Ideally, I am trying to slot the editing work into a six-hour portion of my workday, with an hour left for my own writing and an hour to run my writers' shop - getting out submissions, writing new stories, editing stories, and finding markets for book reviews.

My late hours are shifting as I pivot to getting to bed more toward 12:30 or one o' clock,  rather than two, three or four A.M. That is helping tremendously-I think?-although I still find myself napping in late morning or early afternoon (usually only for an hour, using my alarm clock to not nap too long.

Managing to keep ye ol' beer-swilling to two or even one tall can when I do imbibe of an evening.

Not managing to drop the whole pot-smoking thing quite, but I have reduced how much I use. Now I need to move to every other night, then weekends, then as little as possible.

And reducing or avoiding online porn where at all possible.

Coming up on the anniversary date of a someone I was once quite closed to, so sort of expecting some sort of communication with a friend who was even closer to her. We usually talk around this time, even though we have quite a spicy, saucy history. 


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