Post-Midnight Postscript: Ponderings

Have I overbaked my use of social media even while trying to be circumspect with my use of it? If so, I have only myself to blame.

My workday routine is back, although longer stretches of tasks are certainly not consistent. Back on horror novel revisions, with a fervent hope, hell-bent in finishing by early summer. Editng clients enough for April.

Admittedly, I am dustracted by someone I care about, even if I cannot reach them directly, which we both sense would be perhaps unwise, if not an outright disaster.  Still, I try to reconcile past friendship, and much, much more, with dalliance, and who we are now. I feel a need to apologize, the reasons for which remain muddled.

Much to ponder, I see, in my tangled web, under moonglow or not.  Time to dream well and dream deep, perhaps finding the answers that I seek. I hope others do the same.


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